Monday, August 31, 2009

Same Old Routine, Plus an Incline Show

The role of a renowned author is not all tea and skittles, especially around the house. I still have to do the dishes every night, take out the garbage, and vacuum ( I just put that in because I love to write the word vacuum.) What I am trying to say is that my life has not changed very much. For instance, several years ago I thought it would be nice if the Price Hill Historical Society had a Speakers' Bureau, a group of people who could go out into the community and give little talks on subjects of interest to the community. It did not prove to be very successful. So far I am the only one who has volunteered, and my only contribution is a one-pony show about the old Price Hill Incline. But the show has been pretty well received. I have done it twenty-three times, often with some mishaps, and never the same way twice. Should you be interested, I am bringing my pony to the Delhi Branch Library this Tuesday, September 1, at 7:00 pm. It will be about the Inclines of Cincinnati, and there won’t really be any tiny horses involved, but you can be sure there will be mishaps.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

The Old Curmdugeon Is in Print!

The Collected Old Curmudgeon hits the bookstores today. Well, maybe just the virtual bookstores, but I am now officially a published author. The book is a collection of 115 columns written for the Price Hill Historical Society's newsletter, "Heritage on the Hill," from 1999 through 2009. The Society is in a neighborhood of Cincinnati, Ohio. The columns reflect my motto, "Never let history get in the way of a good story," and I hope the stories are all good--a lot of them are funny, anyway. I'll be at a book signing at the Covedale Library in Price Hill on Saturday, September 26, and I expect I'll be doing other things to promote the book, too. I'll be posting my experiences on this new blog. (Thanks, Julie, one more thing to keep up with . . .) By the way, if you want to buy the book, it's available now at the Price Hill Historical Society's online bookstore.