Thursday, August 27, 2009

The Old Curmdugeon Is in Print!

The Collected Old Curmudgeon hits the bookstores today. Well, maybe just the virtual bookstores, but I am now officially a published author. The book is a collection of 115 columns written for the Price Hill Historical Society's newsletter, "Heritage on the Hill," from 1999 through 2009. The Society is in a neighborhood of Cincinnati, Ohio. The columns reflect my motto, "Never let history get in the way of a good story," and I hope the stories are all good--a lot of them are funny, anyway. I'll be at a book signing at the Covedale Library in Price Hill on Saturday, September 26, and I expect I'll be doing other things to promote the book, too. I'll be posting my experiences on this new blog. (Thanks, Julie, one more thing to keep up with . . .) By the way, if you want to buy the book, it's available now at the Price Hill Historical Society's online bookstore.

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